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  • Volunteer Program

    Be There For Those Who Desperately Need It

    Be There For Those Who Desperately Need It

    Get Involved

We're making a difference and you can too

A volunteer for The Secret Love Project at a non-profit charity event

Volunteer Time

If you have spare time you can help us with hands-on activities like distributing the stickers to the homeless sellers in the different areas.

A car decorated with The Secret Love Project heart stickers

Volunteer Skill Set

If you have specific skill sets like video editing , design or photography you can help us create content for our various platforms.

The signature pink car that The Secret Love Project used at events

Volunteer Social Awareness

If you have a social media audience you can help promote awareness for the Secret Love Project and spread the message of love to your followers.

We're making a difference and you can too

A volunteer for The Secret Love Project at a non-profit charity event

Volunteer Time

If you have spare time you can help us with hands-on activities like distributing the stickers to the homeless sellers in the different areas.

A car decorated with The Secret Love Project heart stickers

Volunteer Skill Set

If you have specific skill sets like video editing , design or photography you can help us create content for our various platforms.

The signature pink car that The Secret Love Project used at events

Volunteer Social Awareness

If you have a social media audience you can help promote awareness for the Secret Love Project and spread the message of love to your followers.

Six volunteers raising awareness for The Secret Love Project


Raise Awareness and raise funds for the Secret Love Project

Generate An Income

Raise awareness, get donations and receive commissions

Joint Fundraiser

Raise funds for yourself or your personal projects while supporting the Secret Love Project

The Secret Love Project is always looking for volunteers

Become A Volunteer

Join a special group of people who are committed to growing the Secret Love Project!

Become a Secret Love Project Love Ambassador and help us get heart stickers to the needy in your area and spread the message of love in the world. We are always in need of volunteers and are grateful for any helping hand we can get. 

Get Involved
One of The Secret Love Project Volunteers with a Sticker Seller