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  • Corporate Social Investment

    Invest In The Community And Create Benefits For All

    Invest In The Community And Create Benefits For All

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Receiving tax deductions from charitable contributions
Create Employment, Reduce Crime, Help The Destitute & Build Community​

Partner With The Secret Love Project Charity

Our charity addresses two of the most critical challenges facing our country's growth and stability; unemployment and crime. We have a direct and measurable impact on both these intractable problems and we transform them into tangibly positive results for our entire community.

  • We create many jobs every month
  • Petty crime is drastically reduced
  • Valuable police resources are freed up
  • Pride & dignity is restored in the homeless
  • R4.8 Million is earned by the homeless every year

With our struggling economy unemployment is rising quickly but we are instead creating jobs every month. Unemployment leads directly to petty crime and vast government resources are wasted each year policing petty crime that is entirely preventable. Police, courts, judges, attorneys, jails and private security are all exhausting their resources chasing crime that shouldn't happen in the first place.

Marginalised people who have lost their hopes and dreams due to the cruel indifference of their circumstances and upbringing commit petty crime to survive, not because they are bad people. When they are given the right opportunity they blossom and thrive and stop the petty crime immediately. Our non-profit organisation demonstrates this and we are looking for corporate partners to help our charity with financial donations.
Harbourvest is an official corporate partner of The Secret Love Project
Logo of Film Afrika, a business partner of The Secret Love Project Charity Cape Town
Logo of Project Nelson Mandela Bay, a corporate investment partner of The Secret Love Project NPO
Grand Africa Cafe & Beach is an official business partner of The Secret Love Project
Logo of Club Mykonos, a corporate partner of The Secret Love Project Non-Profit Organisation
Logo of Charly's Bakery, an official corporate investment partner of The Secret Love Project Homeless Organisation
Harbourvest is an official corporate partner of The Secret Love Project
Logo of Film Afrika, a business partner of The Secret Love Project Charity Cape Town
Logo of Project Nelson Mandela Bay, a corporate investment partner of The Secret Love Project NPO
Grand Africa Cafe & Beach is an official business partner of The Secret Love Project
Logo of Club Mykonos, a corporate partner of The Secret Love Project Non-Profit Organisation
Logo of Charly's Bakery, an official corporate investment partner of The Secret Love Project Homeless Organisation

Improve Lives Of The Homeless

Contribute to the project to provide the homeless with heart-shaped stickers to sell to earn an income and become self-sufficient while spreading  joy which helps restore their pride and dignity.

Uplift The Greater Community

Help provide the homeless with a fresh path to re-integration into society and the opportunity to leave addictions and petty crime behind which creates a safer community .

Boost Business Sentiment

When you enable a community to be uplifted and make it safer, you also create a more favourable environment for your business to operate in.

Learn More About The Impact Of Your Donation
The Secret Love Project charity addresses both unemployment as well as crime

We Guarantee You This: A 400% Impact On Your Donation

Your full donation goes to the homeless, destitute and marginalised people in our community

It currently costs R5 to produce and distribute a single sticker pack. This includes all material, manufacturing, operational & distribution costs. The sticker packs are given to the homeless sellers for FREE to sell to motorists in the city for R20 a pack and the sellers keep 100% of the proceeds of the sale. This means that 5 Rand donated (1 sticker pack) turns into R20 when sold by the homeless seller.  Thereby a R1000 donation would pay for the production and distribution of 200 sticker packs. 200 sticker packs sold at R20 per pack equates to R4000 earnings going directly into the hands of the most needy. That's a 400% multiple on your donation!  

The results are true and easily verifiable. We don't touch a cent and your donation puts profits directly into the hands of people who need it most and that have earned it.

Make A Donation
Investing in the homeless

Custom Sticker Packs

You can advertise in our Secret Love Project sticker packs by making your own sticker pack inserts that are custom designed to your business branding 

Order Custom Stickers
Investing in the homeless

Custom Sticker Packs

You can advertise in our Secret Love Project sticker packs by making your own sticker pack inserts that are custom designed to your business branding 

Order Custom Stickers
corporate partnership donations supporting the homeless

Get Some Love Back

How does your company benefit from a donation?

Hundreds of thousands of people have purchased our heart stickers from our homeless sellers which they then proudly display on their cars. Partner with us and your company can leverage our unprecedented visibility across the City of Cape Town in your own media campaigns and be affiliated with one of the most loved non-profit charities in South Africa. Partnering with us means your company becomes part of a citizens collaboration, involving thousands of people that's improving Cape Town and bringing joy and love to all who live here. 

We also include our corporate partners in our regular press coverage, as well as broadcast you to our significant social media following.


We can also offer Section 18A tax deduction certificates for any donations from individuals or companies. The Secret Love Project is a SARS approved Public Benefit Organisation (PBO number 930063541).
The Secret Love Project's annual winter rain suit campaign

Partner With Us

Let's improve our community together

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